Beam Me Up, Scotty: "Gay baby jail" was floating around the internet for quite a while, appearing as far back as this set of fanart for Undertale in November 2015, if not further still.Awesome Yet Impractical/ Difficult but Awesome: Tends towards maneuvers of this nature for the sake of displaying his extensive speedrunning skills more often than not, this takes far longer than completing the objective in question normally, but it's usually worth it for the sheer spectacle.A common combination was using the gay baby jail cheat to hold Mario in place and prevent escape from the Green Demon - usually just moments away from collecting a Star. Ascended Meme: Both the Green Demon and 'gay baby jail' appeared as "cheats" available for SimpleFlips' viewers during a Crowd Control playthrough of Super Mario 64 naturally, viewers took to springing them on SimpleFlips as soon as they could, which the video's opening animation even alludes to.His videos provide examples of the following: